bell aliant email support call

Bell Aliant Internet & email Support

For Bell Aliant Email Support Call Support at 1-888-885-6488

Mac users

All Macs come with a version of Mac Mail.

The version of Mac Mail you have installed is the same as the version of your operating system. To find out what version of operating system you are using, click on the Apple icon at the top left of your screen and then select About this Mac. A window will open showing which version of OSX you have.

For more information, read the Apple support article with all the different version numbers.

Windows users

Windows users could be using the email program that came with their version of Windows or could be using a 3rd party email software.

To find out what email program you are using:

  1. Click on your Start button
  2. Click on All programs
  3. In your list of programs look for the names Outlook (may be under Microsoft Office), Outlook ExpressMailWindows Mail or  Windows Live Mail.

For Outlook users, you can use the steps below to see which version of Microsoft Office is installed on your computer.

  1. Start Outlook.
  2. Click on the Help menu, click About Microsoft Office Outlook.
  3. You will see the version of Outlook as the version followed by a series of numbers. (Example Outlook 201315.0.4481.1510)

For Bell Aliant Email Support Call Support at 1-888-885-6488.



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